Jumelage with Mielec (Poland)

Information on the project entitled: „Wspólnie z miastami partnerskimi świętujemy 550-lecie lokacji Mielca”
(Mielec is celebrating the 550th anniversary together with its twin towns)

Applicable to the Program Europe for Citizens, Strand 2 – Democratic engagement and civic participation, Measure “Town Twinning”


Participation :

The project involved 132 citizens, notably 40 participants from the city of Tiszaföldvár (Hungary), 39 participants from the city of Douchy-les-Mines (France), 30 participants form the city of Vila Nova de Poiares (Portugal),
15 participants from the city of Löhne (Germany) and 8 participants from the city of Morlaix and neighbouring twinned communes (Saint-Martin-des Champs and Saint-Thégonnec Loc-Eguiner).
Location/Dates: The event took place in Mielec (Poland), from 26/08/2022 to 29/08/2022

Short description :

The day of 26/08/2022 was dedicated to welcome participants from Mielec twin towns. During this first meeting at the dinner, the organizers from Mielec Municipality presented the program of all events, as well as the interpreters and group guides were introduced to invited guests.

The day of 27/08/2022 was dedicated to several events :

  • Inaugural conference – the key theme was the civic participation on local and supralocal dimension. During the conference participants listened to a lecture given by professor of Koźmiński University. The lecture focused on tools which EU citizens can use in the co-decision process on important European matters.
  • Presentation of films prepared by invited participants on citizens activity in their communes. The films were displayed during the conference.
  • Special EU Eurobarometer – during their stay the participants were to fill the questionary on EU integration:
  • Workshops with associations – this event consisted on meetings between associations from Mielec with foreign groups. Groups from every country participated in different workshops conducted by Mielec non-governmental organizations, such as sign language, Polish dance, Polish handcraft.
  • Visit of town with the emphasis on buildings realised with EU funds – the invited participants were shown the key parts of Mielec town, as well as the main investments conducted with the UE financing, with the aim of demonstrating the positive influence of EU on local communities.

The day of 28/08/2022 was dedicated to events below :

  • United in diversity – stage presentations of twin towns – this event was dedicated to illustrate the diversity of EU culture and the historic heritage of different countries. Several artists and groups form twin towns performed: the folkloric group from Vila Nova de Poiares and Tiszaföldvár, opera singer from Tiszaföldvár, brass orchestra from Douchy-les-Mines and the rock band from Löhne.
  • Debate of the participants – were held on several tables and their participants raised interesting issues of EU events, the future of the EU, Euroscepticism and current problems in European community.

The day of 29/08/2022 – participants’ leaving

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